But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
Psalm 13:5

Camp BlueSky is built around Adventure. We want to provide a venue for students to experience and try new things, to get out of their comfort zone, and more importantly through this great adventure to have FUN and learn about God. One way we facilitate this is through rock climbing. Each session, the oldest campers will have an opportunity to go rock climbing at Lukenya- these incredible cliffs only about 10 minutes away from where camp is held. The cliffs at the site overlook a vast area of land- you can see for miles and miles. Often times you get to see giraffe, impala, gazelle, baboons, and other wildlife at the site. On these days at camp, we load all the climbing gear and everyone up in a van, pack a lunch, and spend the whole afternoon with the campers outside in God's beautiful creation.
Rock climbing teaches you to trust. It is sometimes scary because you are being held up by a rope and harness 100 feet up in the air. The climber has to trust the person below who is belaying them, and know they have them and will catch them if they fall. This reminds me a ton of my relationship with Jesus. In the same way, taking a step of faith is sometimes difficult. You wonder if you fall what will happen. Rock climbing and belaying campers each week at camp has set a beautiful picture in my mind of what it looks like and what it means to trust God and have fun doing it! Many times it is hard to trust God with your whole heart and not lean on your own understanding. To really know that His thoughts and ways are better than ours 100% of the time is a challenge, and it has looked different for me the past few months being in an unfamiliar country, culture and context. But I am remembering that we are "on belay" 24/7, and that he HAS me all the time. I am safe in his arms. He is my shield and my protection. I cannot go anywhere to escape His presence.
I really felt God's protection and learned to trust him in a simple and new way yesterday...because yesterday I drove for the first time in Nairobi!! I was so nervous, but thankfully it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. Unlike America, the drivers drive on the left side of the road. Not only is everything on the opposite side of the road, which makes right hand turns and other maneuvers tricky...but the drivers here are absolutely crazy & insane! Haha Drivers will cut you off or pass you at any time on the road for no apparent reason. There are no real traffic lights, signs, or even traffic lanes. I think that if you can drive in Kenya, you should never have to take Defensive Driving in the States again because you are ALWAYS driving defensively in Kenya. haha It is ironic to me that in such a laid back and easy going culture, that the driving here is so intense, fast-paced, and everyone seems to be in such a hurry.
Yesterday Kim, Bryce, Tyler and I drove all over the city looking at different schools where we will be teaching and visiting with students. It was fun to see the schools that my campers go to, and to have an idea of what I'll be walking into when I enter these campuses. It definitely allowed me to have a much better context and idea of what these students do every day. Please keep praying for wisdom and guidance for our team as we enter into the new school year!
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
Psalm 73: 26

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