Monday, 9 July 2012

Chronicles of Gnarlia- Rise Up

"For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:40

(Photo taken at Nairobi Game Park)

Inuka. Rise Up. That is the theme for Camp BlueSky this summer:
 "Rise Up- The Chronicles of Gnarlia"

Using the writing and illustrations of C.S. Lewis' writings, The Chronicles of Narnia, we have been discussing our story, all of humanity, and how God is writing something beautiful for his children. Even though we live in a fallen world, God's plan is good and he desires to raise us up through his Son, Jesus. God is writing a beautiful story for his people... and is calling us to a gnarly life with him. A life of adventure, joy and abundance through Jesus! 

Throughout the week, the counselors and leadership team teach different Bible stories along with showing clips from the movie, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. We begin with the story of creation and the fall of man in Genesis. Throughout the week we talk about the Israelites and how God has always been faithful and never left them. We have the opportunity to tell radical stories of the life of Jesus, how he is 100% God and 100% man. God came to earth, put on flesh, and moved into our neighborhood (John 1). He performed many miracles... such as raising Lazurus from the dead, he raised Jairus' daughter and healed the woman in the crowd who had enough faith just to simply touch the hem of his cloak. We talk about how Jesus walked on water, lived a perfect life, and how he died on the cross because he loves us so much. But the story doesn't end there... he was resurrected and raised to life again! It is through the miracle of the resurrection that we too are given the same invitation to life! 

We proclaim that out of the tomb, and even out of death, God can bring life! He wants to raise us up. 

Picture taken at "Summit Fires" - the last night of camp where we have a big bon fire, play games, sing songs, and celebrate Christ's love for us.

Picture of Middle School girls on the ropes course. It's been so fun getting to facilitate these activities with the girls and watch them "experience changes"as they learn to trust each other and work together. (:

Campers from 2 summers ago! Sweet reunion.

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